APPS Committees

APPS Management Committee 2023 - 2025: (Contact the Committee)
President: Dr. Grant Smith, Plant & Food Research, New Zealand
Past President: Dr. Andrew Geering, The University of Queensland
Vice President:  Prof John Hampton, Lincoln University
Executive Secretary: Dr. Wadia Kandula, Lincoln University
Treasurer: Dr. Seona Casonato, Sugar Research Australia
President Elect: Dr. Bec Swift, Curtin University

APPS Secretariat Contact the Secretariat
Business Manager: Dr. Peter Williamson    
Region Coordinator: Sue Pederick

APPS Editors:
Executive Editor:
Dr. Philip O'Brien 
Editor in Chief AuPP: Dr. Philip O'Brien  
Editor in Chief APDN: Dr. Dagmar Hanold 
Editor APPS Newsletter: Dr Sophia Callaghan
Editor POTM & TOTM: Megan Blake 

Trevor Wicks Student and Early Career Researcher Travel Award:
Chair: Em. Prof Eileen Scott

Awards Sub Committee:
Membership of this Committee is by invitation: Eligible members are previous awardees. 

The committee membership is:  
Chair: Prof Andre Drenth, University of Queensland, 2023-2025.

The terms of reference are:
1. Solicit and review nominations for Awards of the Society, and recipients of the Allen Kerr Prize
2. Review other matters relating to awards given by the Society.
3. Issue medals and certificates for awards.

International Society for Plant Pathology Councillors:
Dr. Rob Magarey (Australia)
Dr. Robin MacDiarmid (New Zealand)

Advancing Plant Pathology Australia Fund: