Member Benefits
Members receive online access to current and previous issues of our journals, Australasian Plant Pathology and Australasian Plant Disease Notes.
Discounted registration for our biennial conferences.
Associate membership of the International Society for Plant Pathology and several other international associations.
Student members can also take advantage of our Student Bursary Scheme or Student Exchange Program when they become available.
Membership year is 1 January - 31 December
Membership fees are due no later than 30 June
Who can join?
Those working in the area of plant pathology or a related discipline can become Full Members.
Those enrolled in a full time program of study related to plant pathology can become Student Members.
Membership Fees
1 year Full membership with AuPP online $150.00
2 year Full Membership with AuPP online $199.00
2 year Student Membership with AuPP online $61.00
2 year Emeritus (Retired) Membership with AuPP Online $49.00
Emeritus Lifetime Membership without AuPP Online $60.00
Developing Countries
Concessions are available for developing countries. To be eligible for reduced membership fees your country must be on this list and you must reside in that country. This does not include students living in Australia or New Zealand and receiving a scholarship from the host country or subscriptions paid by institutions.
2 year Full Concession Membership with AuPP online $61
2 year Student Concession Membership with AuPP online $44
New Members
To apply for APPS membership, you must provide either the names of current APPS members who will serve as
your nominator and seconder or a scanned copy of your highest qualification. Please have these ready before
beginning your application.
All membership applications undergo a review process, which may take up to one month. Payment will remain pending until the committee has reviewed and approved your application.