
History of Australian nematology

Life history, biology, and ecology of plant-parasitic nematodes.

  • PSN 055. Identification of plant-parasitic nematodes to genus level

  • PSN 001. Feeding habits of plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 002. Life history of root-knot nematode: Australia’s most important nematode pest

  • PSN 003. Root-knot nematode: distribution, ecology, and damage thresholds

  • PSN 029. Economically important cyst nematodes (Heterodera and Globodera) in Australia

  • PSN 028. Root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus): An underrated pest of many Australian crops

  • PSN 034. Ectoparasitic plant-parasitic nematodes known to cause crop damage in Australia

  • PSN 031. Reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis), a damaging pest of many crops in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia

Plant-parasitic nematodes on specific crops

  • PSN 036. Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis), the most important nematode pest of banana in Australia

  • PSN 032. Citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans), the cause of slow decline of citrus

  • PSN 030. Cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae), a serious pest of cereals in Australia’s southern and western wheatbelt

  • PSN 033. Root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.): damaging pests of cereals and other grain crops in all grain-growing regions of Australia

  • PSN 005. Nematode pests of sweetpotato: root-knot nematode and reniform nematode

  • PSN 037. Plant-parasitic nematodes on sugarcane

  • PSN 048. Nematode pests of grapevines in Australia

  • PSN 049. The role of nematode pests in replant diseases of tree fruit and nut crops

  • PSN 027. Southern sting nematode (Ibipora lolii), the most damaging nematode pest of turfgrass in Australia

  • PSN 035. Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes in soils under pasture in Australia

  • PSN 064. Plant-parasitic nematodes on pineapple in Australia

  • PSN 065. Plant-parasitic nematodes on cotton.

Nematode management

  • PSN 004. Monitoring as a tool for managing root-knot nematode

  • PSN 011. Integrated Nematode Management

  • PSN 012. Integrated Soil Biology Management

  • PSN 042. Diagnosis of problems caused by plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 059. Diagnosis of potential nematode problems in perennial horticultural crops

  • PSN 020. Diagnosis of disease problems in turfgrass caused by plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 056. Nematode-free planting material: An important component of an integrated nematode management program

  • PSN 038. Management of plant-parasitic nematodes on sugarcane

  • PSN 006. Soil fumigation: Does it have a future as a nematode control tactic?

  • PSN 007. A new generation of non-volatile nematicides: their safety and efficacy

  • PSN 045. Do nematicides have a place in modern Integrated Nematode Management programs?

  • PSN 018. Microbial pesticides and biostimulants: Are they useful against soilborne pests and pathogens?

  • PSN 013. Enhancing the nematode-suppressive capacity of soils used for vegetable production

  • PSN 021. Management of plant-parasitic nematodes on turfgrass

  • PSN 015. The benefits of crop rotation and cover cropping in vegetable production systems

  • PSN 014. Organic inputs to improve soil health and reduce losses from nematode pests in vegetable crops

  • PSN 016. Weed and volunteer control plays an important role in reducing losses from root-knot nematode in vegetable crops

  • PSN 050. Resistant and tolerant cultivars and rootstocks: One of the most sustainable options for reducing losses from plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 057. Biofumigation: is it a useful tactic for reducing losses caused by plant-parasitic nematodes in vegetable crops?

  • PSN 058. Non-sustainable methods of nematode control: Intensive tillage, solarisation, bare fallowing and soil fumigation

Biological control of nematodes

  • PSN 008. Pasteuria penetrans, a beneficial bacterium that reduces root-knot nematode populations in perennial crops

  • PSN 019. Pasteuria: a host-specific bacterial parasite of plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 010. Nematophagous fungi

  • PSN 041. Biological control options for plant-parasitic nematodes: Bionematicides or a consortium of natural enemies acting together in a healthy soil?

Nematode biosecurity in Australia

  • PSN 040. Meloidogyne enterolobii: a major threat to vegetables and other crops in Australia

  • PSN 046. Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines), a pest that is not present in Australia but is a serious threat to soybean and other legume crops

  • PSN 051. Reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis): A biosecurity threat to cotton, vegetable and horticultural industries in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia.

  • PSN 052. The continuing spread of southern sting nematode (Ibipora lolii): one of the best examples of biosecurity failure in Australia

  • PSN 053. Biosecurity measures to reduce the spread of Potato cyst nematode in Australia

Free-living nematodes

  • PSN 023. Free-living and other beneficial nematodes: An important component of the soil biological community

  • PSN 054. Identification of free-living nematodes for ecological studies. An introductory booklet

Soil health and the soil biological community

  • PSN 009. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustaining plant and soil health

  • PSN 017. Towards more sustainable vegetable production systems

  • PSN 047. Ecosystem services provided by soil arthropods play a key role in keeping soils healthy

  • PSN 024. Nematodes: one of the most useful indicators of a soil’s biological status

  • PSN 025. Nematode community analysis: one of the best methods of comparing the biological status of various soils

  • PSN 026. Key plant and soil management practices to improve soil health and enhance sustainability

  • PSN 039. Legume crops to improve soil health and reduce losses from nematode pests in sugarcane

  • PSN 060. Earthworms and Enchytraeidae: vital components of a healthy soil

Research opportunities

  • PSN 022. Development of non-chemical controls for plant-parasitic nematodes on turfgrass: Research requirements

  • PSN 061. Opportunities for research on Pasteuria, a potentially useful biocontrol agent of plant-parasitic nematodes

  • PSN 062. Potential research projects on organic amendments for nematode suppression

  • PSN 063. Are recently developed nematicides detrimental to the soil biological community? Research requirements

Further reading on plant and soil nematodes, and soil biological health

  • PSN 044. Two useful books on integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes on various crops

  • PSN 043. Further reading: soil health, soil biology and sustainable agriculture