Plant Pathogens and Plant Diseases
Edited by: JF Brown and HJ Ogle.
Published: 1997
A completely rewritten update of the 1980 textbook Plant Protection (edited by J.F. Brown) with an Australasian emphasis, including specific examples from Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia, the Pacific Islands and elsewhere. The book is designed to give students and researchers a background in the principles of plant pathology and of managing plant diseases. The agents of disease and their methods of infection, survival and dispersal are described as well as the responses of plants to infection. Descriptions of the factors affecting the development of disease epidemics and methods for forecasting disease outbreaks and assessing the effects of disease on yield lead into a discussion of the strategies used to manage plant diseases. The final section contains descriptions of diseases caused by the various groups of pathogens. The text draws on the expertise of teachers and researchers from throughout Australia. A valuable text for students of plant pathology and a reference book for plant protectionists, agricultural consultants, farmers and others interested in plant diseases and their management. The text is endorsed by the Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.
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Part I
Plant pathology: an overview
Plant-microbe symbioses
Fungi as plant parastites: introduction
Fungi with aseptate hyphae and no dikaryophase
Fungi with septate hyphae and a dikaryophase
Bacteria and phytoplasmas as plant parasites
Viruses and viroids as agents of plant disease
Nematodes as plant parasites
Other biotic causes of diseases
Abiotic diseases of plants
Serological and molecular techniques to detect and identify plant pathogens
Part II
Survival and dispersal of plant parasites
Survival and dispersal of plant parasites: general concepts
Airborne inoculum
Soil-borne inoculum
Vector-borne inoculum
Part III
Infection processes, epidemiology and crop-loss assessment
Infection processes
Plant defenses against pathogens
Factors affecting disease development
Prediction of disease outbreaks
Assessment of disease and effects on yield
Biocontrol of weeds using plant pathogens
Part IV
Disease management: general concepts
Disease management: exclusion, eradication and elimination
Disease management: chemicals
Disease management: cultural practices
Disease management: resistant cultivars
Disease management: biological control
Part V
Examples of specific plant disease and their control
Fungal diseases and their control
Bacterial and phytoplasma diseases and their control
Virus and viroid diseases and their control
Nematode diseases and their control
Diseases in natural plant communities
Postharvest diseases of fruit and vegetables
Dr Stephen J. Allen
Australian Cotton Research Institute
Dr John F. Brown
University of New England
Dr Lindy M. Coates
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Dr Michele L. Dale
University of Queensland
Dr Karen S. Gibb
Northern Territory University
Dr Ken C. Goulter
University of Queensland
Professor Allen Kerr
University of Adelaide
Dr David B. Nehl
Australian Cotton Research Institute
Dr Greg I. Johnson
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Dr Philip J. Keane
La Trobe University
Dr David I. Guest
University of Melbourne
Dr Helen J. Ogle
University of Queensland
Dr John W. Randles
University of Adelaide
Dr Julie M. Stanton
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Dr Graham R. Stirling
Biological Crop Protection Pty Ltd
Dr A. Marcelle Stirling
Biological Crop Protection Pty Ltd
Dr David S. Teakle
University of Queensland